Ghost in your living room

Installing ghost is easy, but here are three things to look out for.

Ghost in your living room
Photo by Stefano Pollio / Unsplash

Getting ghost up and running is easy. Install nodeJS, mariadDB and let the installer handle the rest. There are caveats though.

Firstly, Yarn would timeout. This could be remedied by deleting the .lock files in the users home directory.

Secondly, the installer would complain that it could not make stuff with python. I have no idea why a nodeJS application needs to make anything, but I guess something is compiled to make it run faster. And for that it needs the build essentials:

sudo apt install build-essential

Thirdly and lastly, running this in my living room behind a reverse proxy (several actually) with SSL termination, the X-Forwarded-Proto header in nginx needs to be set correctly to avoid infinte looping.

proxy_set_header X-Forwarded_Proto https;

And there you have it. The things to look out for when installing ghost on your living room server.

Update: Ghost requires mysql version 8. And I was very sad to find out that with that new version mysql and mariadb are diverging, and cannot be used interchangeably. At least for the moment.

So I updated my installation and replaced mariadb with mysql.